Hannele Maarit Korhonen

Hannele Maarit Korhonen guide touristique en Ecosse

Scotland Tour guide

Hannele Maarit Korhonen
Scotland Tour guide

Drapeau Suéde
Drapeau Finlande
Great Britain Flag

About Me

I was born in Finland but the family moved to Sweden when I was a toddler. After my studies, I worked in the Swedish Merchant Marine.

In 2000 I decided to move to Scotland – a place I always wanted to visit. I intended to live here for a year, to allow me to travel around and see this beautiful country.

As you probably have guessed, I’m still here! I fell in love with this country and stayed.

I have completed the STGA (Scottish Tourist Guide Association) Green Badge Course, which means I’m qualified to guide within the Northern Highland Region. I’m registered with HOSTGA (Highlands of Scotland Tourist Guide association). I’m awaiting my final results for a Certificate of Higher Education at UHI (University of Highlands & Islands) and once I have it in early 2020, I should be fully qualified for the same region.

I speak Finnish, Swedish & English.

I offer generic tours or tailor-made if specific interests to be taken into account. For tailor-made tours time for preparation is essential.

Mother tongue: Finnish
Languages of visits: Swedish, Finnish, English
The tour guide’s destinations