Ilze Karlsone

Ilze Karlsone guide touristique en Lettonie

Latvia Tour guide

Ilze Karlsone
Latvia Tour guide

Drapeau Lettonie
Russia Flag
Drapeau Allemagne
Great Britain Flag

Certified guide

About Me

Welcome to my green and beautiful country Latvia !

Riga , the capital of Latvia is like a pearl of Baltic, famous with Art Nouveau and charming wooden architecture.

If you are interested to see more, you can go to Jurmala near the sandy beach or visit Kuldiga, Ventspils or Talsi in Courland. Rundale Palace will bring you back into the 18th century, but Sigulda,Turaida , Ligatne and Cesis are near the Gauja river in Livland, in the middle part of Larvia.

I can be your guide and your driver. If you are interested in to discover the secrets of Riga by segway, you are welcome !

Mother tongue: Latvian
Languages of visits: Russian, Latvian, English, German
The tour guide’s destinations