Olimjon Saidmamatov

Olimjon Saidmamatov  guide touristique en Ouzbékistan

Uzbekistan Tour guide

Olimjon Saidmamatov
Uzbekistan Tour guide

Drapeau Ouzbékistan
Russia Flag
Great Britain Flag

Certified guide

About Me

I am a tour guide focusing on Aral Sea region of Uzbekistan as well as to Ancient Fortresses of Khorezm and Khiva.

I organize tour to Aral Sea shore, Muynak ship cemetery, Savitsky museum, Fortresses and Khiva. It can be started from Khiva, Urgench or Nukus.

I offer two day trip to Aral Sea and daytrip to Muynak or fortresses.

More details can be organized as per request of the traveller.

Mother tongue: Uzbek
Languages of visits: English, Russian, Uzbek
The tour guide’s destinations