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Take a trip Myanmar

Take a trip to Myanmar

Myanmar, formerly known as Burma, is a fascinating country in Southeast Asia. Explore the majestic temples of Bagan, where thousands of pagodas rise from a magical landscape. Immerse yourself in the lively atmosphere of Yangon, the country's largest city, with its famous Shwedagon pagoda, a national symbol. Discover Lake Inle, with its floating villages and gardens on stilts, where people live in harmony with the water. Meet the fascinating mountain tribes of Shan State, who have preserved their age-old traditions. Myanmar is a jewel to explore, offering unique experiences and unforgettable encounters.

Tour guides Myanmar


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Five ideas for guided tours in Myanmar

  • Bagan

    The Mandalay region is home to an archaeological treasure trove of unparalleled beauty: Bagan, a city of thousand-year-old temples that captures the imagination and transports travelers into a mystical world. Imagine yourself at sunrise, when the first rays gild the domes and spires of the temples. You’re surrounded by over 2,000 religious structures, spread over almost 50 square kilometers, including the famous Ananda Temple, with its frescoed walls and golden statue of Buddha.
    Explore the majestic Dhammayangyi Temple, whose dark corridors hide secrets and legends. Admire the panoramic view from the top of Shwesandaw Pagoda. Lose yourself in the maze of lesser-known temples, such as Sulamani Temple, Htilominlo Temple or Thatbyinnyu Temple, each with its own charm and story to tell.
    For an unforgettable experience, climb aboard a hot-air balloon at sunrise or sunset and soar over Bagan’s enchanting landscape.

  • Inle Lake

    Inle Lake, nestled in the mountains of Shan State, is a veritable aquatic paradise where life unfolds to the rhythm of the water. Here, traditional Intha fishermen skillfully balance on their legs, using their creels to catch fish.
    Explore the floating villages of Nyaung Shwe and Phaung Daw Oo, where you’ll discover bamboo houses built on stilts, floating gardens and colorful markets.
    Don’t miss the famous Nga Hpe Kyaung Monastery, also known as the Jumping Cat Monastery. Also visit the village of Sagar, famous for its ancient stupas and beautiful rice terraces.

  • Rangoon

    Stroll through the bustling streets of Rangoon (also known as Yangon) and discover the majesty of the Shwedagon pagoda, a symbol of the country. Admire its gleaming golden splendour, its central stupa reaching for the heavens and its many richly decorated pavilions.
    Don’t miss the Sule Pagoda, located in the heart of the city, with its ancient legends and magnificent architecture. Immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of Bogyoke market, where you’ll find handcrafted souvenirs, jade jewelry and traditional fabrics. Feel the spiritual ambience of the Nga Htat Gyi monastery and discover the country’s largest reclining Buddha image.
    Last but not least, don’t miss Rangoon’s circular train tour. It covers a 50-kilometre loop around the city, passing through picturesque and lively districts. The scenery changes along the way, from narrow streets and shantytowns to vast expanses of greenery and agricultural fields.

  • Mandalay

    The city of Mandalay lies on the banks of the Irrawaddy River. The imperial city evokes the grandeur and splendor of ancient Burma.
    Start your visit to the country’s second-largest conurbation at the Royal Palace of Mandalay, once the residence of Burmese kings, and explore its lush gardens and ornate pavilions. Immerse yourself in spirituality with a visit to Mahamuni Monastery, home to a sacred statue of Buddha covered in gold leaf. Immerse yourself in the lively atmosphere of the Zegyo market, where you can unearth handcrafted treasures, colorful fabrics and exotic spices.
    Near Mandalay, you can explore the ancient cities of Mingun and Amarapura. Mingun is home to the unfinished pagoda and a huge bronze bell. In Amarapura, stroll across the famous U Bein Bridge, the longest teak bridge in the world, offering spectacular views of the sunset over Lake Taungthaman.
    For a spiritual experience, visit Mahagandayon Monastery, where hundreds of Buddhist monks reside and study. You can witness their early morning alms-gathering ritual, a unique cultural experience.

  • Hsipaw region

    The Hsipaw region, is a destination that lets you get away from the hustle and bustle of the big cities and reconnect with Myanmar’s nature and culture.
    Here are a few ideas for visiting this fascinating region:
    1. Hiking through Shan villages: Get adventurous and explore the countryside surrounding Hsipaw by embarking on picturesque hikes. Meet the local villagers, discover their traditional way of life, admire the rice terraces and enjoy the mountain views.
    2. Visit Gokteik Bridge: Take a trip over the famous bridge, an engineering masterpiece built in British colonial times. Enjoy breathtaking views over the valley as you stroll across this steel bridge, once one of the highest in the world.
    3. Trek to the Nam Tok waterfalls: Embark on an adventurous hike to the waterfalls, around 2 hours from Hsipaw. Dive into refreshing natural pools.
    4. Tea plantation discovery: Soak up the serene atmosphere of these picturesque plantations, learn more about the tea-making process and taste exquisite local teas.
    5. Excursion to Lake Lashio: Take an excursion to this pristine body of water and embark on a peaceful cruise.

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