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Take a trip Indonesia

Take a trip to Indonesia

Take to the skies of Indonesia, a multi-faceted island nation with a cultural mosaic that will captivate you from the moment you arrive. From the paradisiacal beaches of Bali to the majestic volcanoes of Java. From the crystal-clear waters of the Komodo archipelago, dominated by the volcano Kelimutu, to the colorful lakes and ancient temples of Yogyakarta, Indonesia is an invitation to marvel and escape. This country of 17,000 islands offers unique experiences, exquisite cuisine and the warmth and hospitality of the Indonesian people. Whether you're looking for relaxation, adventure or cultural exploration, Indonesia will meet all your expectations and more.

Tour guides Indonesia


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Five ideas for guided tours in Indonesia

  • Komodo National Park

    Imagine yourself on a remote island, surrounded by turquoise waters and spectacular scenery, ready for an extraordinary experience. Here you are in Komodo Park
    From the moment you arrive, you’ll be greeted by exceptional biodiversity and breathtaking scenery. Stroll along the park’s hiking trails, surrounded by lush vegetation and breathtaking panoramas. As you go, keep an eye on your surroundings, as you may catch a glimpse of giant monitor lizards, known as Komodo dragons, which have inhabited the island for millennia. An encounter with these majestic creatures is both a fascinating and intimidating experience. Observe their imposing stature, rough skin and piercing eyes, and witness their wild behavior in their natural habitat. You’ll marvel at the size and power of these prehistoric reptiles, giant lizards that can grow to over 3 meters in length. Beyond these beasts that seem to have just emerged from prehistory, the park offers a diversity of landscapes and activities. Explore the waters and colorful coral reefs by diving or snorkeling.
    For an even more complete experience, visit the surrounding islands of Rinca and Padar, where you’ll discover breathtaking panoramas as you climb to the top of the hills.

  • Sulawesi

    Adventure-seeking travelers, let us guide you through the enchanting twists and turns of Sulawesi, formerly known as Celebes. Prepare to be dazzled by the beauty of this land of contrasts, where wilderness blends harmoniously with cultural richness.
    Start your journey in Manado, the picturesque town that serves as a starting point for exploring the treasures of Sulawesi. Once there, be sure to visit Bunaken National Park, a true paradise for scuba diving enthusiasts. Continue your adventure by heading for Toraja, a mountainous region to the south. Prepare to be immersed in a unique atmosphere, where religion and funeral rites play a central role in the lives of the inhabitants.
    For an unforgettable paradise experience, head for the Togean archipelago, a true jewel hidden in the middle of the ocean. White sandy beaches, translucent turquoise waters, colorful coral and exceptional marine biodiversity await you in this unspoilt Eden.
    Finish your trip in style with a visit to Makassar, the provincial capital of South Sulawesi. Stroll through the historic Fort Rotterdam district, a testimony to Dutch colonial influence, and discover the cultural treasures of the La Galigo Museum.

  • Kawah Ijen: The blue volcano

    Get ready for an extraordinary experience in the heart of Java Island.
    This majestic giant promises a journey of intense emotions, where molten lava meets brilliant blue lakes.
    At the summit of Kawah Ijen, you’ll witness an incredible spectacle: the famous “Blue Fire”. Imagine yourself, after dark, walking in the darkness with only the electric blue light illuminating the dancing flames. A sense of wonder mixed with a touch of apprehension will seize you as you explore this supernatural landscape.
    Rise early to watch the sunrise over the crater of Kawah Ijen. The first light of day transforms the landscape into a tableau of shimmering colors. Fumaroles rise from the depths, creating a mystical atmosphere. Take a deep breath and let yourself be captivated by the raw beauty of this natural spectacle.

  • Yogyakarta

    Yogyakarta, a vibrant destination where tradition meets adventure. Explore the city’s lively streets and immerse yourself in its unique cultural richness. Discover the majestic Sultan’s Palace, a testament to the royal heritage. Stroll through its shady courtyards and be seduced by the spellbinding atmosphere of performances of gamelan, the traditional Indonesian music.
    Don’t miss the Borobudur temple, an architectural marvel dating back to the 8th century. Climb the stone staircases and admire the magnificently sculpted bas-reliefs. From the top, marvel at the view over the surrounding rice paddies.
    Continue your spiritual journey with a visit to Prambanan temple, a masterpiece of Hindu architecture. Admire the slender towers and detailed sculptures dedicated to Hindu deities such as Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma. Let yourself be captivated by the mystical aura emanating from these sacred places.
    For adventure-seekers, explore the underground wonders of the Jomblang caves. Abseil down into the depths of the earth to discover fascinating geological formations. Finally, round off your stay in Yogyakarta by relaxing on the white sandy beaches of Parangtritis. Let the waves caress your feet as you watch the spectacular sunset over the Indian Ocean.

  • Sumatra

    Sumatra, a fascinating island that takes you off the beaten track
    Start your journey with a visit to Gunung Leuser Park, a nature reserve home to orangutans, tigers and a host of rare plant species. Hike through winding jungle trails, listen to birdsong and watch these iconic creatures roam free. Next, head for Lake Toba, a jewel situated in the crater of an extinct super-volcano. Enjoy the tranquility of this immense lake surrounded by lush green hills, and discover the unique traditions of the Batak community who live here.
    For hiking enthusiasts, Bukit Lawang Park is a must. Follow the trails through the dense rainforest and let yourself be guided by the whispers of the local wildlife. Waterfalls and rivers offer moments of freshness and relaxation.
    Finish your trip in style with a visit to the Mentawai Islands, a true paradise for surfing enthusiasts. Powerful waves and white sand beaches attract surfers from all over the world.

Regions Indonesia
Other countries: Asia