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Take a trip Azerbaijan

Take a trip to Azerbaijan

Your enchanting trip to Azerbaijan will transport you to the heart of a world where East meets West. From the magnificence of Baku, the flamboyant capital, to the wild landscapes of the Caucasus mountains, every corner of this country offers a captivating experience. Discover Baku's architectural gems, such as the old walled city, where the 12th-century Shirvanshah's Palace will dazzle you with the finesse of its buildings. Don't miss the Gobustan National Park, famous for its lunar landscapes and prehistoric petroglyphs. Explore the beauty of the Caucasus, escaping to Shahdag Park or Lake Goygol, where nature reveals itself in all its splendor.


Tour guides Azerbaijan


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Five ideas for guided tours in Azerbaijan


  • Baku

    This metropolis invites you to immerse yourself in an enchanting blend of tradition and modernity. Let yourself be transported by the wonders, exquisite flavors and vibrant atmosphere that permeate every corner of Baku.
    Head for the old town, known as Icherisheher. Stroll through its narrow streets, admire the majestic ramparts and discover treasures such as the Shirvanchah Palace, a masterpiece of Islamic architecture. Don’t miss a visit to the Maiden Tower. Climb to the top of this medieval structure for a view of the Caspian Sea. If you’re a fan of contemporary architecture, head for the flamboyant Allée des Martyrs. This seafront promenade is a poignant tribute to the city’s national heroes and offers a breathtaking view of the city.
    In the evening, head to Fountain Square, where you can soak up Baku’s lively atmosphere. Cafés and restaurants line this lively square, offering a variety of Azeri culinary delights, from delicious plov to delicate pastries.

  • Gobustan Reserve

    Dive into the depths of prehistoric history as you explore the Gobustan Reserve. This ancestral land offers a fascinating glimpse into the evolution of mankind. The region is famous for its unique rock formations, sculpted by the forces of nature over the millennia. Take a stroll through these lunar landscapes, where undulating mountains stand proud, a testament to the power of nature. But what makes Gobustan truly special are the petroglyphs, rock engravings thousands of years old. These prehistoric works of art tell fascinating stories about the lives and beliefs of our ancestors. Among the reserve’s most emblematic sites, don’t miss the Boyukdash rock gallery. You’ll marvel at the detailed engravings depicting animals, hunters and sacred rituals. Beyond the petroglyphs, the Gobustan Reserve is also home to prehistoric tombs and archaeological remains that bear witness to the presence of humans in the region for millennia.

  • Astara

    Located on the border between Azerbaijan and Iran, Astara offers a unique setting where mountains meet the sparkling waters of the Caspian Sea. During your visit, be sure to venture into the Khazar Reserve. This natural gem offers an unforgettable experience with its forests, winding rivers and refreshing waterfalls.
    Close to the village of Astara, a park bearing the same name offers a wide diversity of ecosystems, with marshes, sand dunes and migratory birds living in their natural habitat.

  • Shaki City

    One of Shaki’s must-sees is the Palace of the Shaki Khans, an architectural masterpiece dating back to the 18th century. Admire its magnificently ornate facades, richly decorated halls and gardens. Immerse yourself in Azerbaijan’s royal history as you stroll through the corridors of this emblematic palace. Don’t miss the Shaki fortress, near the village of Nukha. Explore its imposing ancient ramparts, some twelve hundred meters long and over two meters thick.
    For an immersion in local culture, visit the colorful Shaki market, where you can discover a multitude of handicrafts, exotic spices and traditional culinary specialties.
    For nature lovers, head to Maraza Park for a stroll through soothing vegetation.

  • Quba

    Quba is a city in northern Azerbaijan, on the banks of the Qudyalçay River. The city is known for its unique architecture, which reflects the influence of the various civilizations that have marked its past. You can admire traditional houses with colorful facades, elegant mosques and historic monuments such as the mausoleum of the poet and philosopher Mirza Fatali Akhundov or the palace complex of the Khans of Quba. And don’t miss the village of Krasnaya Sloboda, home to a large Jewish community since the 18th century.
    Quba is also a paradise for nature lovers. You can hike near the waterfalls and gorges of the Tenghi Canyon, or visit the Altyagach National Park, home to a rich variety of flora and fauna. If you like winter sports, you can also visit the Shahdag ski resort, with slopes to suit all levels.

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