Pamela Breit Foncillas

France > Paris
Pamela Breit Foncillas guide touristique à Paris

Paris Tour guide

Pamela Breit Foncillas
Paris Tour guide

France Flag
Drapeau Espagne
Drapeau Allemagne
Drapeau Portugal
Great Britain Flag

Certified guide

About Me

Paris, my dream city…
When I arrived in 2009 I fell immediately in love with this unique place in the world.

Since that moment my interest in history, art, architecture and Parisian culture allowed me to learn and discover more and more, afterwards I started sharing this wealth with foreign curious visitors like I.

If you would like to get to know my Paris I would be happy to show you my adopted city in a very friendly way.

Mother tongue: Spanish
Languages of visits: English, French, Portuguese, Spanish, German
The tour guide’s destinations