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France > Burgundy Franche-Comté

Take a trip Burgundy Franche-Comté

Take a trip to Bourgogne Franche Comté

Taking a trip to Bourgogne-Franche-Comté is like immersing oneself in three primary colors. Green—for the vast countryside and forests that cover nearly half of the region. Blue—for 5,500 kilometers of rivers, 1,000 ponds, waterfalls, streams and brooks. And white—for the two mountain ranges that encircle the region: the foothills of the Vosges and the Jura mountains.

Tour guides Burgundy Franche-Comté


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Five ideas for guided tours in Bourgogne Franche Comté

  • The Hérisson (Hedgehog) waterfalls

    At the entrance to Haut-Jura, these waterfalls are the meeting point of two streams stemming from the Ilay and Bonlieu lakes. The result is a flood of magnificent beauty. Fancy freshness ? Explore the seven magnificent Hérisson waterfalls by following a 7.4-kilometer round-trip trail. Along the way, follow the water and admire the Saut de l’Eventail (65 meters) and Grand Saut (60 meters) Falls. This protected site suffered a major landslide in 2017 that rendered it inaccessible. Fortunately, today we can once again take in the beauty of this exceptional place.

  • Chalon-sur-Saône

    Bordering the Saône, this city’s historical center of Chalon-sur-Saône holds great beauty. You will enjoy the beautiful wood-paneled mansions around the market square, as well as St Vincent’s Cathedral. Right next door is the large pedestrian center with many shops, cafes and medieval homes. Don’t hesitate to visit the Nicéphore Niépce Museum, dedicated to the inventor of photography who was native to the city. Here, you can admire nearly 6000 cameras. To fully appreciate the view of Chalon, head to St. Lawrence Island and stroll along its peaceful and inviting docks.

  • La voie verte (the Green Way)

    Fan of cycling? In Southern Burgundy, between Givry and Cluny, a superb 120-kilometre-long cycle loop is available to you. It is France’s first “green” road and is reserved exclusively for non-motorized vehicles. The road passes through scenic vineyards and historical sites, following partially along an old railway route. Travelling through the beautiful landscapes, you will pass through must-see sites, such as the castle of Berzé-le-Châtel, the abbey of Cluny or the Rock of Solutré hill known as a prehistoric site but also as a place of annual rise of the former French president François Mitterrand. The entire route can be cycled in three or four days and there are local guides in Burgundy who will be able to organize you at best your beautiful trip.

  • Baume-les-Messieurs

    Located in the heart of Jura’s three valleys, the village of Baume-les-Messieurs is home to exceptional views. As the result of a geological phenomenon, a long valley ends abruptly in a limestone plateau. Here, where the Dard River emerges from caves, you will find a magnificent waterfall. Your tour will take you through underground lakes and rivers where you can admire stalactites and stalagmites. While in this magnificent natural setting, don’t hesitate to visit the legendary imperial abbey dating back to the 9th century.

  • La Charité-sur-Loire

    This medieval town surrounded by ramparts is located on the banks of the Loire River, in the department of Nièvre. It is renowned for its priory, a masterpiece of Clunisian Romanesque art that was erected in 1059 and has since been labeled a UNESCO world heritage site. Don’t hesitate to walk around the church via the cobbled streets that take you through the historic district. Charité-sur-Loire also happens to be a favorite destination of book lovers. Bookshop owners, book sellers, calligraphers, illuminators and bookbinders can all be found here and many events are put on throughout the year: the Word Festival in June, the Old Books and Papers Fair in July, the Night of Books in August… During your walk, have fun discovering words and quotes painted all over the city walls. On your way out of La Charité-sur-Loire you will admire the Bertranges forest and its beautiful majestic oaks, ideal for taking long, lovely walks.

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