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Take a trip Venice

Take a trip to Venice

Venice has been famous for making lovers happy for centuries. Nevertheless, it will seduce all travellers who love beauty. This romantic city can be visited mainly on foot over 3 or 4 days, during which one takes the time to dream, to get lost, to admire the Lagune during a walk in Vaporetto. The beautiful Venice is made up of 120 small islands, connected to each other by bridges and a network of canals where the famous gondolas sail. The city is one of Italy's most popular tourist destinations, but thanks to its gardens and secret courtyards, you will always find a beautiful place to recharge your batteries. An excursion with a Venice tourist guide is the promise to immerse yourself in a mythical atmosphere and discover the secrets of an exceptional city.

Tour guides Venice


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Live la Dolce Vita with 5 guided tours in Venice

  • Centuries of history in the San Marco neighbourhood

    Embark on a trip into the past with a visit to the historical center of city of the Doges. Weave through the alleys of the Sestiere (the name of the historic quarters of Venice) San Marco, admire the marvellous Rialto Bridge, the oldest of the bridges overlooking the Grand Canal. Walking along the waterfront, you will have the pleasure to find on the way the magnificent Ducal Palace, known as the Doges’ Palace. Its gothic atmosphere hints at the dark past of this former seat of government, which also served as a court. The Bridge of Sighs was named in memory of the defendants, who used the bridge to access the courtrooms. The tour leads to the mythical St. Mark’s Square. The pigeons whirling in the air, the arcades in which the gourmands jostle each other: nothing changes here, not even the famous Caffè Florian, founded in 1720. Taste the joyful atmosphere before turning to the Basilica of Saint Mark. It reigns over the square with its 98 meters high campanile. At the top, the view of the water city is unbelievable and gives a unique feeling.

  • Immerse yourself in authenticity in Cannaregio

    There’s the tourist Venice… and the Venetian Venice! Your tour guide will take you to meet a lively city, far away from the day visitors. To the north of the city, more than a third of the population lives in Cannaregio, a district preserved from tourism. Near the Santa Lucia station, on the Strada Nuova, the inhabitants are crowded with shops, restaurants and bars. It is the ideal place to do some shopping, as there are many traditional craftsmen in this area. In 1516 the Jewish community took refuge here after being expelled from Spain. Near rio della Misericordia, they created a foundry, “getto” in Italian. Thus was born the first Jewish ghetto in the world, guarded by two historical synagogues, the beautiful Scuola Spagnola and Scuola Levantina. The buildings in the ghetto are higher than elsewhere, in order to accommodate more dwellings, as the Jews were restricted to this area of the city. Another historical building worth seeing is the Palace “Ca’d’Oro” (the Golden House). Converted into a museum, this former Gothic-style palace now houses an impressive art collection with Tuscan and Flemish works. The canals of Cannaregio are straighter than in the historic centre, offering unobstructed views of the beautiful old façades. Why not take a trip on a gondola to admire them up close?

  • A colorful break on the island of Burano

    If Venice is a feast for the eyes, its neighbouring islands are not to be outdone. North of the Lagoon lies Burano. One goes there by Vaporetto, a typical boat carrying travellers on the canals. The visit of the island allows to discover a more typical facet of Italy. This charming little fishing port is also a firework of colours! Indeed, fishermen used to paint their houses in bright colours so that they could be recognized even in a thick fog. Today, the multicoloured boats and houses make Burano a cheerful place, one of the most photographed in Venice. The place is also famous all over the world for its magnificent needle lace. While it is rare nowadays to find old ladies focused on their work on their doorstep, lace is honoured in a beautiful museum, exhibiting works dating back to the 16th century. Tourists flock to this pearl of the Lagoon, but it is a delightful place to enjoy the day’s catch in a small local restaurant.

  • The glitz of the glassblowers in Murano

    The isle of Murano is a must for the Serenissima. In 1291, the Republic of Venice ordered the glassblowers to move their foundries outside the city, afraid that a fire could ravage their beautiful wooden city. This is how the glass craftsmen from Murano give this small island an international reputation. Your tour guide in Venice will take you to visit the workshops and witness an impressive demonstration. The artisans, among the best in the world, bring to life before your very eyes real multicoloured works of art. This is the time to bring back a unique souvenir of your trip. Then take a walk around the island. Murano is mainly known for its handicrafts. But when its glass artists made their fortune, they built magnificent palaces and lush gardens. No one can resist the pleasure of a stroll through the pretty lanes around the canals, a gelato in hand.

  • A culinary stroll in San Polo and Santa Croce

    Crossing the Rialto Bridge, one leaves the famous Sestiere de San Marco to enter the Sestiere San Polo. Less well known than its neighbour, this vibrant borough nevertheless has much to offer. Starting with the local market, which is the heart of the city. In the mornings, you can find fruits and vegetables, fresh fish, and enjoy delicious Italian cheeses and cold cuts. But in the evening, the market turns into a meeting point for long aperitifs in the Venetian sweetness. This guided tour in Venice will then take you to the district of Santa Croce. It is full of museums displaying the history of the city, from the Ca’Pesaro (modern art museum) to the Palazzo Mocenigo (fabric and costume museum), ancestral churches like San Cassiano, and traditional houses. Wander at your own pace through this maze, admiring the facades. Besides, it is quite common to get lost here. The reason? The many small old alleys are not very well mapped. But it’s a pleasure to blend into the labyrinth of the City of the Doges: you soak up the atmosphere of the city, listen to the rhythm of the water flowing gently through the canals, and dream of your future trip to the romantic Italian city.

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