Certified guide
About Me
I was born in Singapore, raised in Australia and made Aliyah in 1970.
I have a wife, five children,and seven grandchildren, with the eight on the way!
My first twenty two years in Israel was as a member of a kibbutz in Emek Yizrael (the Jezreel Valley) and all my five children were born on kibbutz.
I consider myself to be very blessed doing the work that I enjoy immensely, showing my amazing country to visitors. I especially enjoy seeing the pride in the eyes of our visitors, young and old, as they learn about the tremendous advances made against all odds in the last few decades in this tiny but beautiful and varied country.
Style of Touring Guiding for me is very much like teaching, but with a very different methodology. History, places and people come much more alive and a lot more personal through stories. And this tiny country has layer upon layer of stories to tell! As has been said by others before me, even the stones cry out!
Tour Specialties I love history, ancient and modern, and the direct connection of so many places to the Bible and the Biblical stories. Just for example, to look for smooth dry riverbed stones suitable for a slingshot in the very same wadi (HaEla) that a young shepherd boy named David crosses on his way to do battle with Goliath is nothing short of amazing. To see the new excavations uncovering more and more of the City of David, discovering artifacts such as clay seals with names imprinted upon them that we are familiar with from the Bible is extremely exciting. For Christian visitors, the stories that they are so familiar with from the New Testament come alive in full color when one stands at the very site of these events. That is one of the reasons I especially enjoy guiding Biblical archaeology, Old & New.
Type of Groups Family, Individuals, Organizations, Groups up to 10, Groups of 10+
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