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Indonesia > Lombok

Take a trip Lombok

Take a trip to Lombok

As soon as you set foot on this blessed land, you're immediately captivated by the natural beauty that surrounds it. Sandy beaches such as Tanjung Aan and Kuta invite you to bask in the sun and dive into crystal-clear turquoise waters. Surfers will be delighted by the waves at Gerupuk and Selong Belanak.
But there's more to Lombok than its heavenly beaches. The majestic Rinjani mountains beckon adventure. Hike to the summit of this active volcano for breathtaking panoramic views and discover the sacred Segara Anak lake, a veritable jewel nestled in the heart of the crater. The island is also home to cultural treasures such as the traditional Sasak villages, where you can discover local customs and crafts. The breathtaking waterfalls of Sendang Gile and Tiu Kelep invite you to enjoy a refreshing experience amid lush vegetation.


Tour guides Lombok


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Five ideas for guided tours in Lombok


  • Merese Hills

    In the southwest of Lombok lies a natural treasure: the Merese Hills. This breathtaking landscape is a true paradise for nature lovers and enthusiasts of spectacular panoramas.
    As you climb the Merese Hills, you’ll be rewarded with a breathtaking view of white sandy beaches, revealed before you like sparkling jewels. The turquoise waters contrast with the emerald green of the surrounding vegetation, creating a picture of exceptional beauty. Not far from the hikes you can reach Tanjung Aan beach, considered one of the most beautiful on the island. More secluded, Mawun beach is ideal for relaxing. And if you want to party and find the best bars and restaurants, head for Selong Belanak beach.

  • Senggigi Beach

    Senggigi offers the perfect getaway from the hustle and bustle of city life. From the moment you arrive, you’ll be captivated by the warm, relaxed atmosphere here. The friendly locals will make you feel right at home, showing you traditional Indonesian hospitality.
    Senggigi beach is the ideal place to relax and recharge your batteries. Swim in the crystal-clear waters of the deep-blue sea, or sit back under a parasol and let the sun caress your skin. Water sports enthusiasts can enjoy scuba diving, snorkeling or even surfing.
    For nature lovers, the area around Senggigi is full of treasures to discover. Don’t miss the Malimbu waterfall, where you can cool off in the white water and admire the beauty of the surrounding nature. Gunung Rinjani National Park is also nearby, offering hiking trails through lush vegetation.

  • Tiu Kelep waterfall

    Imagine yourself in the heart of the rainforest, following the path through unspoilt nature, and suddenly hearing the gentle rumble of water coming closer. And there, in front of you, is the Tiu Kelep waterfall in all its splendour.
    The water cascades majestically down into crystal-blue pools, inviting visitors to plunge into its refreshing waters. The freshness of the air and the soothing music of the waterfall create a serene, revitalizing atmosphere.
    To reach the waterfall, you’ll need to take a short hike through the jungle, crossing rivers and suspension bridges. The natural surroundings are breathtakingly beautiful, with exotic trees and lush tropical flora. Every step brings you closer to this breathtaking natural spectacle.
    To complete your experience, be sure to visit the area surrounding the waterfall. You can explore the famous Sendang Gile, another spectacular waterfall nearby, and discover the traditional Sasak villages that reflect the unique local culture.

  • Tetebatu rice fields

    Nestled among the hills in the heart of Lombok are the Tetebatu rice terraces. Imagine walking along the winding paths, surrounded by bright green rice fields that stretch as far as the eye can see. The sun’s rays filter through the palm leaves, creating a symphony of colors and shades. The Tetebatu rice fields offer much more than a picturesque view. They represent the beating heart of the local culture and bear witness to the hard work of the farmers who work the land with passion and dedication. Exploring the surrounding area, you’ll also discover other natural treasures such as the Jeruk Manis waterfall, whose waters flow into a natural pool. For hiking enthusiasts, there’s Mount Rinjani, a majestic volcano offering breathtaking panoramic views.

  • Pink Beach

    When you set foot on this unspoilt beach, you’ll immediately be seduced by the pink hues that color the sand. These hues come from crushed coral and shells, giving the place a unique atmosphere. It’s a true oasis of calm where you can relax and marvel at the splendor of nature.
    For hiking enthusiasts, explore the surrounding area to discover the Benang Stokel and Benang Kelambu waterfalls.
    Near Pink Beach is the village of Sekaroh, where you can discover the traditional handicrafts of the locals. Admire the colorful weavings, handmade pottery and unique jewelry that testify to the skill and creativity of local artisans.

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