Jonas Zannou-Zoki

Jonas Zannou-Zoki guide touristique au Bénin

Benin Tour guide

Jonas Zannou-Zoki
Benin Tour guide

Drapeau Bénin
France Flag
Great Britain Flag

Certified guide

About Me

Professional French and English guide, member of the Confédération Nationale des Guides du Bénin.

The tourist advantages of my native village of Ganvié make me want to be close to tourists from Benin and other parts of the world.
I have held a tourist guide certificate since 2010 in Abomey-Calavi and in 2022 at the training course organized for the first cohort of 54 Benin Tourist Guides in Cotonou by the World Tourism Organization and the Government of Benin.

I love sharing the culture of my beautiful country with my guests.
I work in many tourist areas such as Ganvié, Aguegues, Porto-Novo, Ketou, Ouidah, Abomey-Calavi, Abomey, Lagos, Lomé, Accra, Abidjan, San Pedro, Grand Bassam etc.

For your next trip to Benin, don’t hesitate to contact me!

Mother tongue: Tofin
Languages of visits: Tofin, English, French
The tour guide’s destinations