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Take a trip Tunisia

Take a trip to Tunisia

Tunisia is a country with a thousand and one facets that will delight travelers looking for a change of scenery and cultural discoveries. From the fine sandy beaches of Djerba to the ancient remains of Carthage and the lively souks of Tunis, Tunisia is full of tourist wonders to discover.
Start your trip with a visit to the Medina of Tunis, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The narrow streets and colorful souks will immerse you in the traditional atmosphere of Tunisia. You can find unique souvenirs and taste local culinary specialties such as brik or couscous. Continue your journey by visiting Carthage, the ancient city that was home to one of the greatest empires of the ancient world. Tunisia is also known for its seaside resorts like Hammamet and Sousse. The fine sandy beaches and the turquoise waters of the Mediterranean Sea will offer you serene and restful moments of relaxation.
Finally, don't miss visiting the oasis of Tozeur, located in the heart of the desert. This arid region is full of palm trees, date palms and natural springs. You can take a camel ride or discover the surrounding Berber villages.

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Five ideas for guided tours in Tunisia

  • Tozeur

    Welcome to Tozeur, a small town in southern Tunisia that is full of charm and treasures. Known for its green oasis, its traditional clay brick houses, and its beautiful gardens,
    In the heart of this oasis, you will discover the old quarter of the city, with its narrow and winding streets lined with adobe walls, and its beautiful traditional houses with carved wooden doors. Stroll the streets and soak up the local atmosphere by visiting the colorful souks, where you can buy spices, carpets, jewelry and many other souvenirs.
    Don’t miss the Dar Cheraït Museum, which houses a unique collection of traditional objects and crafts from the region. The gardens of Tozeur are also not to be missed, especially the Acacia Park, where you can admire the hundred-year-old trees and enjoy a moment of relaxation in the shade.
    For an unforgettable experience, discover the surrounding oases by taking the tracks that criss-cross the sand dunes and palm groves. You can discover traditional villages and meet the inhabitants, who will welcome you with warmth and hospitality.
    The region of Tozeur is also full of archaeological sites, such as the ruins of the Roman city of Tisavar, the fort of Chenini, and the Ksar Ouled Soltane, an ancient fortified palace dating from the 16th century.

  • Hammamet

    Hammamet, nicknamed the “Pearl of the Sahel”, is a destination of choice for sun, sea and culture lovers. Located on the east coast of the country, this peaceful city is full of remarkable tourist sites to discover.
    For starters, be sure to visit its medina, with its narrow streets and colorful souks filled with local products and Tunisian handicrafts. The medina is also famous for its traditional stone and plaster houses, which bear witness to the city’s rich architectural heritage. You can also admire the beauty of Hammamet’s gardens, such as the Villa Sebastian, which houses a vast collection of plants and flowers. The city’s botanical park, with its many exotic trees, is also an ideal place to relax and enjoy the region’s sunny climate.
    For history buffs, Hammamet is also full of Roman remains, including the villa of Pupput, which dates back to the 3rd century A.D. and offers a breathtaking view of the sea. You can also visit the city’s Spanish fortress, built in the 17th century, which offers a panoramic view of the medina and the surrounding area.
    Finally, don’t miss Hammamet’s beautiful sandy beaches, which stretch for miles along the coast. The crystal clear waters of the Mediterranean Sea are ideal for swimming and water sports, such as diving and jet skiing.

  • Carthage

    Located about fifteen kilometers north of Tunis, Carthage is an ancient city that bears witness to the rich history of the country. Founded by the Phoenicians in the 9th century BC, it was conquered by the Romans in the 2nd century BC. Today, it attracts many visitors who come to discover its many archaeological sites, witnesses of its prestigious past.
    Among the places to visit in Carthage, the ancient city of Byrsa is a must. It houses the remains of the ancient Punic city, as well as temples, baths and Roman dwellings. Not far from there, the National Museum of Carthage offers a collection of objects and archaeological pieces from the excavations carried out on the site.
    The Marsa district, with its marina, also offers a pleasant setting for a stroll. The picturesque alleys and white houses in Mediterranean style will delight the amateurs of beautiful photos. The nearby village of Sidi Bou Said is famous for its blue and white houses and its views of the sea.
    For a unique experience, it is recommended to go to the archaeological park of Carthage. It houses the Baths of Antonin, the largest Roman baths ever discovered in North Africa. It is also possible to visit the amphitheater, which could accommodate up to 35,000 spectators during its shows.

  • Ichkeul National Park

    Here we are at the Ichkeul National Park, a jewel of Tunisia that attracts thousands of visitors every year looking for an unforgettable experience in the middle of nature. Located in the northwest of Tunisia, near the eponymous lake, this national park is a unique and fragile ecosystem, home to a rich biodiversity and offering a breathtaking view of the Atlas Mountains. The park is a real sanctuary for migratory birds, where they come to rest and feed during their journey. It is for this reason that it was classified as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1980. You can observe more than 200 species of birds, including the famous pink flamingos, but also ducks, storks and herons. The landscapes are simply breathtaking, with a great variety of plants, wild flowers and majestic trees.
    For hiking and trekking enthusiasts, the Ichkeul National Park is a true paradise. The hiking trails are numerous, offering a unique opportunity to discover the beauty of nature in Tunisia. The park also offers boat trips for visitors who wish to explore the lakes and marshes up close.
    In addition to its natural aspect, the Ichkeul National Park also possesses a cultural and historical wealth. It is home to the remains of the ancient city of Thuburbo Majus, a Roman city dating back to the 2nd century. Visitors can discover magnificent ruins, temples, arches and theaters, witnesses of a glorious past

  • Djerba Islandt

    White sandy beaches lined with palm trees, authentic villages, historical sites, Djerba has everything to seduce travelers looking for an authentic experience. Located in the south of the country, this island is a true haven of peace where relaxation, culture and history are mixed.
    To begin your discovery of Djerba, head to Houmt Souk, the administrative center of the island. Stroll through the narrow streets of the medina and discover its stalls, its old buildings, its craftsmen and its colorful markets. You can also visit the museum of tradition and history of Djerba, which traces the history of the island since antiquity. Continue your journey to Guellala, a traditional village known for its handmade
    pottery. You will be able to watch the making of the pottery and even participate in a workshop to learn the techniques of this ancestral art. For beach lovers, head to Sidi Mahres beach, one of the most beautiful on the island, where you can swim in crystal clear water and admire a magnificent sunset. For water sports enthusiasts, go to the beach of Ras El Rmal where you can practice windsurfing or kitesurfing.
    Don’t miss to visit the village of Midoun, located a few kilometers from Houmt Souk. You can discover its traditional houses, its lively market and its local crafts.
    The island of Djerba is also known for its many historical sites, such as the Fadhloun mosque, one of the oldest religious buildings on the island, or the Lalla Hadria museum, which houses a collection of Islamic art.

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