Anas Alcha

United Arab Emirates
Anas Alcha tour guide in the United Arab Emirates

Tour guide in United Arab Emirates

Arabian flag
France Flag
Great Britain Flag

Certified guide

With extensive experience as a tour guide in the UAE, I bring a wealth of knowledge to every excursion. My guided tours encompass the diverse wonders of the country, offering a comprehensive journey from A to Z. From the iconic landmarks of Dubai to the cultural richness of Abu Dhabi, I ensure an immersive experience, weaving in historical anecdotes and local insights. Whether exploring the sprawling dunes of the desert or the modern marvels of urban landscapes, my tours are crafted to provide a holistic view of the UAE’s vibrant tapestry. Join me for an unforgettable adventure that encapsulates the essence of this dynamic nation.
Mother tongue: Arabic
Languages of visits: English, French, Arabic

Certified guide