Georgea Colella

Italy > Rome

Rome Tour guide

Georgea Colella
Rome Tour guide

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Drapeau Espagne
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Italy Flag

Certified guide

About Me

Hi, my name is Georgea and I am an official guide in Rome.

My love for studying, with two degrees from La Sapienza University in Rome, one in Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures and one in Art History, have brought me closer and closer to my love for my city, which I call an “open-air museum” or a “lasagna” with so many layers of history one on top of the other that captivate every visitor.

I have been doing this job for almost 20 years and day after day I fall in love increasingly day by day with it because of my eagerness to meet new people who give me a great charge every day and the pleasure of sharing my knowledge of the city with them.

I suggest and organize tailor-made tours that cover both the most famous monuments of Rome but also the less known areas.

Mother tongue: Italian
Languages of visits: English, Italian, French, Spanish
The tour guide’s destinations