Hamideh Moosavi

Hamideh Moosavi guide touristique en Iran

Iran Tour guide

Hamideh Moosavi
Iran Tour guide

Drapeau Iran
France Flag
Great Britain Flag

About Me

Hamideh Moosavi. Director and Animator of Authentic Iran

• Graduate guide from the Iranian Organization for Heritage and Tourism.
• Master II of the University of Isfahan for the teaching of French.
• License of the University of Isfahan in French language and literature.
• 13 years of experience in organizing stays and accompanying French travelers in Iran.
• Correspondent in Iran of French tour operators and organized groups of tourists.

My vocation, supported by my experience, is to make known the cultural and historical wealth of Iran through the sites and museums that bear witness to one of the oldest civilizations of humanity.

It is also to make an objective presentation, the closest to the reality, of the Iranian society, particularities distinguishing it from the Muslim world, paradoxes illustrating the state of transition in which it constructs itself an identity conjugating its nationalism, its religious beliefs and its history.

Mother tongue: Persia
Languages of visits: Persia, French, English
The tour guide’s destinations