Beatriz Pérez

Spain > Seville

Seville Tour guide

Beatriz Pérez
Seville Tour guide

Drapeau Espagne
Great Britain Flag

About Me

Dear travelers!,

My name is Bea, I was born in Seville and I´ve been working as an official tour guide since 2016.

After living in several cities inside and outside Spain, when I came back home I reaffirmed that Seville is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, so I want to show you such a lovely city!

I´m a very friendly person, passionate about Seville and I would really like to share the values that being a guide has with you: knowledge, updating the information provided in every visit on a day-to-day basis, empathy and comprehension. Besides, I´ve got a three years and a half daughter who is the happiness and engine of my life.

If you choose me, we will explore the city in a funny way. Would you like to join me? I´m looking forward to knowing you!

Mother tongue: Spanish
Languages of visits: English, Spanish
The tour guide’s destinations