Nicole Bryan

Germany > Berlin

Berlin Tour guide

Nicole Bryan
Berlin Tour guide

France Flag
Drapeau Allemagne
Great Britain Flag

Certified guide

About Me

As a certified tour guide, I would like to share my fascination with Berlin, this multifaceted city and its history, culture, architecture, and customs.
It would also be a pleasure to guide you through the nearby city of Potsdam.

My extensive training and expertise in tourism, along with the experience of living in France, Germany, and the US, have given me great sensitivity to the different needs of visitors in Berlin.

With just a few hours in town or over the course of several days, alone, with family, friends, or with a group, you can choose from a wide range of tours, or you can have one tailor-made to your interests.

I will be delighted to be your guide during your stay in Berlin.

Mother tongue: French
Languages of visits: English, French, German
The tour guide’s destinations