Isabelle Legrand

Germany > Berlin

Berlin Tour guide

Isabelle Legrand
Berlin Tour guide

France Flag
Drapeau Allemagne
Great Britain Flag

Certified guide

About Me

I discovered Berlin as part of my art history studies before the fall of the Wall. I lived through the major historical events of this iconic city and have closely followed its dazzling transformation.
My passion for Berlin has become my profession.
Over the years I have gained experience as a cultural tour guide and tour leader: visits for companies, journalists, politicians, but also for seniors, students and schools, in German, English, French or bilingual.
I offer original tours, presented in a very personal way, with humor, suspense and skill.
If you want to stay in Berlin for a few days, I will help you to discover the treasures of the Berlin museums or one of the numerous palaces in Berlin and Potsdam. It is also my pleasure to advise you about your stay.

Mother tongue: French
Languages of visits: French, English, German
The tour guide’s destinations