Putu Gede Kardiasa

Indonesia > Bali
Putu Gede Kardiasa guide touristique à Bali

Bali Tour guide

Putu Gede Kardiasa
Bali Tour guide

Drapeau Indonésie
Drapeau Malaisie
Great Britain Flag

Certified guide

About Me


My name Putu. I am a local Balinese person who are offering a private tour. Lisenced guide by legal office on Indonesian Tour Guide Aassociation (iTGA) and member of ITGA Bali Chapter.
Is has been over 12 years in guiding, escorting and showing our island Culture, the art and the people.

I have many return guest from around the world and I am looking for more traveller like you to come and visit our beautiful island.

Get set book your flight and your room and let us showing you our wonderful island
See you

Mother tongue: Indonesian
Languages of visits: Malaysian, Indonesian, English
The tour guide’s destinations