Maria Julia Honfi

Maria Julia Honfi guide touristique en Argentine

Argentina Tour guide

Maria Julia Honfi
Argentina Tour guide

Drapeau Hongrie
Drapeau Espagne
Great Britain Flag

Certified guide

About Me

– Experience of 10 years in the Tourism area.

Guided tours in Buenos Aires, Tigre, Argentina and Uruguay in Spanish, English and Hungarian to small groups, individual, large groups of up to 45 travelers.

Organization of trips to Iguazú, Uruguay, transfers, walking tours and bicycle tours in Buenos Aires and Tigre, for Imperial Park Hotel, Hungarian Embassy in Argentina, Siemens Energy Hungary, Emese Buenos Aires Association, Tigre Free Walking Tours and privately or independently.

Professional profile:
– Willingness and ability to adapt to changes
– Customer orientation and high predisposition to work
– Speed ​​and efficiency in solving problems
– Willingness to work in a team and manage groups
– Search for self-improvement and entrepreneurial capacity

Mother tongue: Hungarian, Spanish
Languages of visits: English, Hungarian, Spanish
The tour guide’s destinations