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Take a trip Bolivia

Take a trip to Bolivia

In Bolivia, the magic never stops. From exploring the mysterious islands of Lake Titicaca to discovering the snow-capped peaks of the Andes, every moment is a new adventure. Get ready to explore the famous Salar d'Uyuni, the world's largest salt desert. As you travel through the verdant valleys of the Yungas region, you'll marvel at the diversity of flora and fauna that flourish in this unique ecosystem. And don't miss Bolivia's cultural jewel, the city of La Paz. Stroll through its lively streets and soak up the authentic atmosphere of the local markets.
If you're a nature lover, head for Madidi National Park, one of the world's greatest reservoirs of biodiversity. Here you'll discover extraordinary flora and fauna.

Tour guides Bolivia


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Five ideas for guided tours in Bolivia

  • La Paz

    In the heart of the majestic Andes mountains, discover La Paz, a fascinating city that immerses you in the very essence of Bolivia. With its spectacular scenery and rich cultural heritage, La Paz offers a unique experience around every corner.
    Start your journey by discovering the famous Plaza Murillo, the historic heart of the city. Admire the impressive architecture of the cathedral and the Palacio Quemado, Bolivia’s seat of government. Next, head to the colorful Mercado de las Brujas, where you can explore stalls filled with traditional potions, mystical objects and traditional clothing. Continue your journey by taking the cable car, a real city attraction, which offers a breathtaking view over the rooftops of La Paz and the surrounding mountains. Glide over bustling neighborhoods and verdant valleys, and enjoy this unique experience.
    If you’re craving adventure, set out to conquer nearby Mount Chacaltaya, a majestic mountain. Climb to the summit and enjoy breathtaking views of the snow-capped peaks of the Andes.

  • Bolivian side of Lake Titicaca

    Start your expedition from Lake Titicaca, on the border with Peru, with a visit to the charming Isla del Sol, renowned for its picturesque landscapes and Inca archaeological remains. Stroll along trails that wind through lush green hills and discover sacred sites such as the Yumani gardens and the Pilkokaina temple. Continue your exploration with a visit to Copacabana, a charming lakeside town. Don’t miss a visit to its famous basilica, a place of pilgrimage where you can admire Baroque architecture and religious devotional objects. Admire the floating islands of Uros, built of reeds by the local inhabitants, who perpetuate this age-old tradition. You’ll be fascinated by their ingenuity and their way of life in harmony with nature.

  • Salar de Uyuni, a Desert of Immaculate Salt

    Prepare to be amazed by this unique landscape, where the immensity of the salt desert merges with the sky to create an unreal vision.
    The starting point for this magical adventure is the town of Uyuni, located close to the salar. From here, your first stop is Incahuasi Island, also known as Fish Island. This oasis in the middle of the salt desert is dotted with giant cacti and offers a breathtaking view of the infinite horizon. Next, head to the village of Colchani, where you can discover the artisanal techniques of salt production and even buy some unique souvenirs made from this abundant natural material.
    The magic happens at sunset when the Salar de Uyuni transforms into a giant natural mirror, reflecting the brilliant hues of the sky and creating a mesmerizing illusion.
    A visit to the train cemetery is also a must. This unusual site houses a collection of old steam locomotives, testimony to the region’s industrial past.
    Finally, round off your tour with an excursion to the colorful lagoons of the Eduardo Avaroa Reserve. These emerald and turquoise stretches of water offer a striking contrast to the surrounding desert landscape.

  • Lipez

    The Lipez region is a true paradise for nature lovers and adventurers in search of unique discoveries. Every step of the way plunges you into breathtaking landscapes, where the immensity and raw beauty of nature remind you of the importance of preserving our planet.
    Your adventure begins in San Pedro de Quemez, a picturesque village nestled at the foot of the Licancabur and Juriques volcanoes. From here, set off to discover the Eduardo Avaroa Park, where natural wonders await you at every turn.
    The first stop is the Colorada Lagoon, whose waters are tinged an intense red thanks to the presence of algae and minerals. Continue on to the Siloli Desert, a lunar landscape where wind-sculpted rock formations offer a fascinating spectacle. The tour continues with a visit to the Sol de Mañana geysers, where jets of steam shoot up from the ground.

  • Santa Cruz

    Welcome to Santa Cruz, a bustling Bolivian city where history, culture and nature meet to offer travelers a unique experience. Get ready to plunge into a world full of life, where every street corner reveals a treasure to be discovered.
    Start your exploration of Santa Cruz at Plaza 24 de Septiembre, the heart of the city. Soak up the lively atmosphere and admire the colonial architecture that surrounds this emblematic square. From here, explore the zoological gardens, where you can observe a wide variety of exotic animals up close.
    For a nature getaway, head to Parque Nacional Amboró, a nature reserve where biodiversity reigns supreme. Stroll along the shady paths and marvel at the waterfalls, rivers and vegetation that surround you.

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