Claudia Neira Muñoz

Chile > Valparaiso
Claudia Neira Muñoz guide touristique à Valparaiso

Valparaiso Tour guide

Claudia Neira Muñoz
Valparaiso Tour guide

Drapeau Espagne
Drapeau Portugal
Great Britain Flag

Certified guide

About Me

I am Claudia Neira, professional tour guide in the beautiful city of Valparaíso, in Chile.

I invite you to walk along narrow and long alleys, go up colored stairs and see beautiful murals everywhere.

We can also visit the modern city of Viña del Mar, walk along its coast or visite luxury palaces.

If you like Chilean wine, we can go to Casablanca, visit the best vineyards and enjoy spectacular wine tastings or lunch in the best restaurants.

We can have an interesting day, know about Valparaíso´s history and eat and good empanada.

Mother tongue: Spanish
Languages of visits: English, Portuguese, Spanish
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