Alessandro Girardi

Spain > Valencia
Alessandro Girardi guide accompagnateur de voyage à Valence en Espagne

Tour guide in Valencia

Valencia Tour guide

Drapeau Espagne
Drapeau Allemagne
Great Britain Flag
Italy Flag

Certified guide


My name is Alessandro Girardi and I am Italian.
I was born in South of Italy 49 years ago and live in Valencia since 1998.

I am a Valencia tour guide but I am a language teacher and acto. Very dangerous mix 

With your Licensed guide everything will be easyer and nice for you.
Valencia is light and colours ancient and futurist at the same time
The city is totally flat and the sun shines 300 day per year .
That makes you feel better when you are walking, biking or sitting at a terrace under the blue sky, drinking “Agua de Valencia or Orxata or eating you Paella.

Come to Valencia and discover with me The Arts and Science City, the Historica Centre, the natural Park of Albufera, and much more.

Mother tongue: Italian
Languages of visits: Italian, Spanish, English, German
The tour guide’s destinations