Inga Eglite-Uldrike

Latvia > Riga
Eglite-Uldrike guide touristique à Riga en Lettonie

Tour guide in Riga

Drapeau Norvège
Drapeau Suéde
Drapeau Lettonie
Great Britain Flag

Certified guide


I am local tour guide living in Riga, which is a great and exciting city for all kind of interests.
I speak Swedish, Norwegian and English and Latvian is my mother tongue.
I am interested in history and culture. I like to visit art exhibitions but also doing my own paintings in art studio.
One reason I love riding my bike is taking time to enjoy the sights of neighborhoods of Riga. And I am willing to share my impressions and knowledge with all of friends from other countries.

I will be glad to introduce you with my city by foots, bicycle, wheels, segway or kayak!

Mother tongue: Latvian
Languages of visits: Swedish, Norwegian, Latvian, English
The tour guide’s destinations