Razvan Trancu

Razvan Trancu guide touristique en Roumanie

Tour guide in Romania

Romania Tour guide

Drapeau Roumanie
Great Britain Flag
Italy Flag

Certified guide


Born and raised in Bucharest, I’ve been a tour designer and tailored experience facilitator for 20+ years in Romania.
Tango dancer and taichi practitioner with a penchant for cultural experiences and travel; background of law and project management degree. Not a believer of “package tourism”.

Always willing to go the extra mile in order to provide the guest with the best possible experience.
Love to translate my cultural space or deepen the knowledge of the traveler who is curious to discover more. Off and on the beaten path. . .
Passionate about exchange of ideas and world cultures.

Mother tongue: Romanian
Languages of visits: English, Italian, Romanian
The tour guide’s destinations