Hoel Meriadec

Malaysia > Malacca
Hoel Meriadec guide touristique Malacca en Malaisie

Malacca Tour guide

Hoel Meriadec
Malacca Tour guide

France Flag

About Me

Freelance journalist, I have been touring Southeast Asia for twenty years, and a zest beyond, Nepal, China …

My first visit to Malacca dates back to 2002, since I returned there occasionally, then more and more regularly to the point of making it my home port between two regional circumambulations. The lure of old stones, its cosmopolitan character, its quaint charm did the rest.

It’s intoxicating, “it’s intoxicating,” a Malacca resident once told me.

And it is this intoxication that I propose to share with you through a triple visit, in three stages and three different places. The story on the left bank, where the hill, the church and the fortress is located, the cultural tour, on the right bank in the heart of the old town and beyond the kingdom of the dead on the side of bukit Cina.

Mother tongue: French
Languages of visits: French
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